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Creating & curating drop-in container arrangements to add color and life to your outdoor space.



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Annual Drop-in Care


Drop-in arrangements are the perfect way to add instant color to your outdoor space.

Sun Exposure

Measurement & Fit

Watering & Fertilizing

Watering is essential in keeping your outdoor arrangement thriving. We recommend a good soaking of water whenever the top 2 inches of soil is dry. The frequency of watering can be different for each planter depending on the sun exposure, how warm the temperatures are, and if we have received rain. In the heat of summer some arrangements when in full sun will benefit from being watered twice a day, once in the morning and once more in the evening. Arrangments in full shade may only need a watering every other day. Many annuals will droop and look limp if they are thirsty. Keep an eye on them and if they do look a little sad, give give them a thorough soaking and you'll see them perk right up.


If you would like your blooms to take off you can add a basic fertilizer (Osomocote and Scotts offer good varieties) to your pots once every 2 weeks. We do add fertilizer upon planting, but supplenting with additional fertilizer during the annual seasons help the plants take off.

For a nice full look, it is best to choose the size drop-in that is the closest in size to you planter (without going over in size). If you have a taller profiled container, we reccomend adding something to give height to the inside of your container (bricks, mulch, etc). This will then let the drop-in rest at the proper level inside of your container. 

Keep in mind of the sun exposure of your drop-in. Southern and Western facing areas are more likely full sun exposure. Eastern and Northern areas will be part to fun shade. Knowing the sun exposure of your container will help to keep your plants thriving since some annuals prefer sun and others will get burnt if in too much sun.

Early Spring Tips


Early Spring annuals thrive in cooler temperatures, but not freezing temperatures. So even though we crave color right after a grey winter, early spring annual arrangements do need more TLC than other seasonal arrangements. When temperatures drop below freezing we recommend giving the arragement plenty of water, covering it, and even moving it inside (garage/house) until the temperatures rise. Many delicate flowers like Hydrangeas are especially vulernerable in freezing temperatures and will need to be cared for to prevent their blooms from being damaged.

Late Spring/Summer Tips


The main concern with late Spring/Summer arrangements is how much to water. Cooler days you can get away with watering one time (morning preferably). During the heat of the summer we recommend watering twice a day (morning and evening). Arrangements in full sun will require a bit more water than those in full shade. Feel the soil within the planter, if it is dry give those flowers a drink of water. When blooms start to fade, you can "pinch" them off (remove them) and this can promote new blooms.

Winter Tips


ahhh winter greens. The practically "set it an forget it" type of arrangement. Winter arangements are comprised of greens and cuttings of cold-tolerant plants and since there are no root systems involved you do not need to water like the other 3 seasons. Watering your soil during dry and warmer winter days can preserve the arrangement longer, but is not a necessity. A concern with winter greens can be the tipping over the arrangement. Since the arrangement is more top heavy, you may need to protect it during strong winter winds. In late January, your greens may start browning. You may remove any greens that start to discolor.

Fall Tips


Fall arrangements are similar to summer arrangement care. If we have warm days you will want to water more frequently. Fall arrangements tend to be comprised of plants that like cooler weather, so during unseasonably warm days they will require an extra drink of water. You may remove yellowing leaves of cabbage or kale (this is normal!) and deadhead off spent blooms to keep the arrangement looking fresh.

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